Unsuccessful Swell, The

DESCRIPTION: "I'll sing now of a fine young swell Who in a ship did sail here," hoping to get rich in the gold fields. He can't even get a good price for the tools he bought. He grows poorer and poorer. Even when he works a good place, he has no luck
AUTHOR: Charles R. Thatcher (1831-1878)? (source: AndersonStory)
EARLIEST DATE: 1970 (AndersonStory)
KEYWORDS: gold mining travel hardtimes
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Anderson-StoryOfAustralianFolksong, pp. 32-34, "The Unsuccessful Swell" (1 text, 1 tune)
Anderson-GoldrushSongster, pp. 70-71, "The Unsuccessful Swell" (1 text, 1 tune)
Anderson/Thatcher-GoldDiggersSongbook, pp. 17-19, "The Unsuccessful Swell" (1 text, 1 tune)

NOTES [29 words]: For brief background on Charles Thatcher's career, see the notes to "Where's Your License?" For an extensive collection of his songs, see Anderson-StoryOfAustralianFolksong. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.3
File: AnSt032

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