Making a Pile

DESCRIPTION: A gold-hunting miner alternates between cheer and gloom as he considers his prospects. He starts out doleful, "My spirits now are low, and I feel quite down-hearted... And I very often doubt I'll make my pile." Then he has hope, the it's back to gloom
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1970 (AndersonStory)
KEYWORDS: mining gold hardtimes
REFERENCES (4 citations):
Thatcher-ColonialMinstrel-Songsters, pp. 89-91, "Making a Pile" (1 text, from "Thatcher's Colonial Songster")
Anderson-StoryOfAustralianFolksong, pp. 24-26, "Making a Pile" (1 text, 1 tune)
Hoskins-GoldfieldBalladeer-LifeAndTimes-Charles-R-Thatcher, pp. 145-146, "Making a Pile" (1 text)
Anderson/Thatcher-GoldDiggersSongbook, pp. 29-30, "Making a Pile" (1 text, 1 tune)

cf. "All 'round my Hat" (tune)
File: AnSt024

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