Jane and Louisa

DESCRIPTION: "Jane and Louisa will soon come home, darling... Out of the beautiful garden." "Then I will like you to pick a rose, darling... Out of..." "Then I will like you to waltz with me, darling... Into...."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1974 (Abrahams-DeepTheWaterShallowTheShore)
KEYWORDS: dancing nonballad playparty
FOUND IN: West Indies(Jamaica,St Vincent)
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Abrahams-DeepTheWaterShallowTheShore, p. 90, "Jane and Louisa" (1 text, 1 tune)
ADDITIONAL: Martha Warren Beckwith and Helen Roberts, _Folk-Games of Jamaica_ (Poughkeepsie: Vassar College, 1922 ("Digitized by Internet Archive")) #63 pp. 73-75, "Jane and Louisa" (1 text, 1 tune)

NOTES [64 words]: Abrahams says "Tinnego" and "Jane and Louisa" seem to be the most popular of S.t Vincent ring games among the blackfish whalers. For other examples of West Indies ring games see "There's a Brown Girl in the Ring" and "Go Down Emmanuel Road"
In "Jane and Louisa," the first line of the verse is sung three times with slight variations, followed by "Out of/Into the beautiful garden." - BS
Last updated in version 4.0
File: AWIS90

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