Largy Kargy Haul Away Oh
DESCRIPTION: Chorus: "Largy kargy/weeny kreeny, haul away oh" We're bound for the West Indies. We'll have good food -- no more biscuits and molasses -- and dance and gamble. When we find the pirate gold we'll retire in comfort; no more bunking with cockroaches.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1884 (McQuade; see NOTES)
KEYWORDS: travel gold sea ship shore drink food humorous shanty
FOUND IN: West Indies
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Abrahams-DeepTheWaterShallowTheShore, pp. 20-21, "Largy Kargy Haul Away Oh" (1 text)
NOTES [37 words]: The Abrahams text is from James McQuade, The Cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies and Florida (New York: Thomas R. Knox & Co, 1885 ("Digitized by Microsoft")), p. 103. The trip was Feb-May 1884 [p. viii]. - BS
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File: AWIS20B
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