St Peter Down at Courland Bay
DESCRIPTION: Chorus: "St. Peter, St. Peter, down at Courland Bay." I'm going to St Peter's Day. Fishermen get together. The water is fresh and we "feel fresh and gay."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1962 (Abrahams-DeepTheWaterShallowTheShore)
KEYWORDS: fishing shore party
FOUND IN: West Indies(Tobago)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Abrahams-DeepTheWaterShallowTheShore, pp. 29-30, "St Peter Down at Courland Bay" (1 text, 1 tune)
NOTES [64 words]: Abrahams gives this as an example of the call-response songs improvised on the Tobago beach on Fishermen's Fete, St Peter's Day, June 29. "They commonly sing of the beauties of the fete, using a traditional tune but introducing topical subjects and an appropriate chorus line.... Singing and dancing in a group are the prevalent forms of ceremonial entertainment in the community." - BS
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File: AWIS029
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