Resurrection Morn, The

DESCRIPTION: "O run, Mary, run, Hallelu, hallelu, O run, Mary, run, Hallelujah!" "It was early in the morning." "That she went to the sepulchre." "And the Lord he wasn't da." "But she see a man a-comin'." "And she thought he was the gardener...."
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1867 (Allen/Ware/Garrison-SlaveSongsUnitedStates)
KEYWORDS: religious Jesus resurrection Easter Bible
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Allen/Ware/Garrison-SlaveSongsUnitedStates, p. 54, "The Resurrection Morn" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #12014
NOTES [202 words]: Tthis is a pretty close paraphrase of John 20:1-17, though interpreted in the light of the other gospels
* Mary (Magdalene) came to the tomb early on Sunday morning (John 20:1)
* The tomb was empty (John 20:2, though this verse does not use the word "empty"; as a matter of fact, none of the gospels use the word "empty" to describe the tomb!)
* "She thought he was the gardener": John 20:15 (though John never says that Mary saw Jesus approach)
* "Oh touch me not": John 20:17
* "For I am not yet ascended": John 20:17
* "Tell to my disciples": John 20:17 again, though the word used in the Bible is not "disciples" but "brothers" (which, in Christian context, is probably to be read as "comrades, members of the Church"). The King James Bible translates this properly; the use of the word "disciples" is probably a memory of Matt 28:19 or some such
* "That the Lord is arisen": This is the one phrase in the song with no real ties to John; Jesus says in 20:17 that he is *ascending*, but that presumably means ascending to heaven.
* "So run, Mary, run": Mary runs to Peter and the Beloved Disciple in John 20:2; she does not run in 20:18, but merely comes/goes (same word in Greek). Close enough, though. - RBW
Last updated in version 5.0
File: AWG054

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