Red, White, and Blue (III)

DESCRIPTION: Jump-rope rhyme. "Red, white, and blue, Stars shining over you (or "I don't speak to you"), Red, white, and yellow, Who is your fellow, Red, white, and green, Who is your queen," etc., eventually breaking into a count or into A, B, C
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1916 (Douglas, according to Abrahams-JumpRopeRhymes)
KEYWORDS: jumprope courting questions colors
REFERENCES (3 citations):
Ainsworth-JumpRopeVerses, #33, "(Red, white, and blue)"; #139, "(Red, white, and blue)" (2 texts)
Withers-EenieMeenieMinieMo, "(Red, white, and blue)" (1 text, probably this)
Abrahams-JumpRopeRhymes, #485, "Red, white and blue"; #487, "Red, white and blue" (2 texts)

Roud #19441
cf. "Strawberry Shortcake (Lemonade Pop; Guess Who)" (lyrics)
cf. "Apples and Oranges" (lyrics)
File: AJRV033

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