Underneath the Silver Beams of Dear Old Mammy Moon
DESCRIPTION: (I have been unable to find a text of this. The proper title may be "The Moon in the Western Sky.")
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 2014 (Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs)
KEYWORDS: campsong
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs, p. 457, "Underneath the Silver Beams of Dear Old Mammy Moon" (notes only)
cf. "Missouri Waltz" (tune)
NOTES [109 words]: The phrase "Mammy Moon" seems to have had a certain strange Camp Fire Girl vogue; note, in the Index, W. Neidlinger's, "Mammy Moon," which opens
De day is pas'en gone en what is done am done.
Ef yo' ain' done, yo' bes' you'll be de suff'rin' one;
Ole time jes goes along en never kin turn back,
Not even ef yo' train should run plumb off de track.
De on-lies'thing ez I kin see dat yo' kin do
Is go ter bed, en sleep en res'de whole night thro;
Ole Mammy Moon'll watch de camp so yo' kin res,'
Happily, this bit of racist tripe doesn't seem to have been perpetuated much. But it is not the song mentioned by Averill; it doesn't mention silver beams. - RBW
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File: ACSF457U
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