Castor Oil

DESCRIPTION: "C-a-s-t-o-r O-i-l spells castor oil, It's the only decent kind of medicine, Guy who made it must have been an Edison, C-a-s-t-o-r O-i-l you see. It's a lick on a spoon, guaranteed to kill you soon It's castor oil for me!"
AUTHOR: Music ("Harrigan, That's Me") by George M. Cohan
EARLIEST DATE: 2003 ( thread "Lyr Req: L-o-double l-i-p-o-p spells lollipop")
KEYWORDS: medicine wordplay nonballad campsong
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Pankake/Pankake-PrairieHomeCompanionFolkSongBook, pp. 162-163, "Davenport" (1 text, tune referenced, consisting f the verses of "Davenport," "Castor Oil," and "Lollypop")
Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs, p. 266, "Castor Oil" (notes, plus 6 texts labeled "Lollypop" on pp. 270-275; of these six, the "Lollypop" verse is found in A, C, D, E, F; "Castor Oil" is in A, D, E; "Davenport" is in D; and A, B, C, E, F have other material as well; bibliography on pp.671-673)

cf. "Harrigan" (tune) and references there
NOTES [36 words]: This is often sung as part of "Lollypop," which is among the most popular of all camp songs and with which it shares the "Harrigan" tune, but apparently it circulated separately as well, so I'm keeping it separate. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.5
File: ACSF266C

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