Scarlet Ribbons
DESCRIPTION: "I peeked in to say goodnight," and the singer hears his daughter praying to get scarlet ribbons. He tries all night to find one and is unable; the town is closed. He returns sorrowful, to find that, somehow, he bed is festooned with ribbons
AUTHOR: Words: Jack Segal / Music: Evelyn Danzig (source: Wikipedia)
EARLIEST DATE: 1949 (source: Wikipedia)
KEYWORDS: clothes campsong
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs, p. 239, "Scarlet Ribbons" (notes only)
NOTES [124 words]: Note that, although this is often treated as a Christmas song, it contains no indication of season. And it's not actually religious, either, although it contains a seeming miracle. I'll admit that I've never understood why such a stupid song became so popular -- yes, it's sweet to see a little girl get her wish, but why not have her (e.g.) deserve a gift her family can't afford, and have the entire town contribute, or otherwise convey an actual positive message rather than a deus ex machina? It appears that, even in the camp repertoire, it was only moderately successful, although this might just be because of its association with Christmas.
Oh, and did the guy ever ask his wife? Maybe they should start talking to each other again. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.8
File: ACSF239R
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