Here We Sit Like Birds in the Wilderness

DESCRIPTION: "Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness, Here we sit like birds in the wilderness,waiting for you to come." Or, "...waiting for our food," or "waiting for our bread." Or it may be flies in the sugar bowl
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1927 (Harbin-Parodology)
KEYWORDS: bird nonballad campsong
REFERENCES (2 citations):
Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs, pp. 164, 289, 290, 291, 379, "Here We Sit Like Birds in the Wilderness"/"Here We Sit Like Skunks in the Wilderness" (notes only)
Harbin-Parodology, #71, p. 23, "Birds in the Wilderness" (1 text, tune referenced)

Roud #19557
cf. "The Old Gray Mare (I) (The Old Gray Horse; The Little Black Bull)" (tune) and references there
Here We Sit Like Flies in a Sugar Bowl
NOTES [60 words]: Almost all sources call this "Here We Sit Like Birds in the Wilderness," not "Here We Sit Like Skunks in the Wilderness" (Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs title on p. 379), so they might be separate songs -- but given Averill's extremely sloppy and inconsistent use of names, the fact that she has 14 collections of each leads me to believe they are the same song. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.3
File: ACSF164H

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