
DESCRIPTION: "O, Vreneli, my pretty one, Pray tell me where's your home? My home, it is in Switzerland, 'Tis made of wood and stone. Yo, ho, ho, Tra, la, la." The singer asks her where is her heart. She gave it away, and cannot get over the pain. Her head is with it
AUTHOR: reportedly Swiss by origin; translation cby Violet Synge (1896-1971) (source: Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs)
EARLIEST DATE: 1946 (Sanders-SingHighSingLow)
KEYWORDS: love foreignlanguage campsong
REFERENCES (6 citations):
Averill-CampSongsFolkSongs, pp. 175, 237, 239, 309, 390, 495, "Vreneli"/"Vrenalie" (notes only)
Sanders-SingHighSingLow, pp. 15-16, "Frennelly" (1 text, 1 tune)
ChansonsDeNotreChalet, p. 29, "Vreneli - Meiteli" (2 texts, 1 English, 1 German; 1 tune)
SongsOfManyNations, "Vreneli" (1 text, 1 tune) (CC edition, p. 1) (12th edition, p. 36)
48MuchLovedFolkSongs, p. 7, "Vreneli" (1 text, 1 tune)
33MuchLovedSongs, p. 16, "Vreneli" (1 text, 1 tune)

NOTES [78 words]: I find it interesting that, although this song was clearly translated only once, it occurs under multiple names. The "Vreneli" form is probably original; "Frennelly" is probably a phonetic clarification (since "V" in German is typically pronounced "f," and the terminal "y" just looks more English-like).
SongsOfManyNations says this is from Tobitt's "The Ditty Bag," but it's not in my copy; perhaps it was in the first edition and cut from the revised version. - RBW
Last updated in version 6.3
File: ACFS175V

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